Informal Sector Segment

In the dynamic landscape of the informal sector, our specialized loan projects stand as beacons of empowerment, igniting a transformative journey for entrepreneurs and enterprises operating outside traditional frameworks. These projects are meticulously designed to bridge the financial gap, offering a lifeline of credit and capital to those who often find themselves excluded from conventional banking avenues. By infusing resources where they are most needed, these projects fuel the growth of small-scale enterprises, artisans, street vendors, and grassroots businesses that are the heartbeats of local economies.

Kopafasta engaged in providing financial inclusion to projects which aim at assisting the informal sector within our communities. Using modern technology tools, we work hand in hand with our partners from the level of registration, formalizing all the way to enabling these groups of people attain economic freedom through instant loans for a range of purposes.

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Shape Empowering the Informal Sector

Catalysts of Transformation through Tailored Loan Projects

Our specialized loan projects stand as beacons of empowerment, igniting a transformative journey for entrepreneurs and enterprises operating outside traditional frameworks. These projects are meticulously designed to bridge the financial gap, offering a lifeline of credit and capital to those who often find themselves excluded from conventional banking avenues.

Loans Products

Salient Features Defining Informal Sector Loan Projects

Tailored Inclusivity

These projects epitomize financial inclusivity, dismantling barriers for informal sector entrepreneurs who lack the collateral or formal credit history required by mainstream institutions.

Diverse Horizons

The spectrum of informal sector loan projects spans diverse sectors – from vibrant street vending to the nurturing of traditional crafts, underscoring their versatility and adaptability.

Knowledge Empowerment

A defining hallmark is the emphasis on capacity-building, empowering borrowers with financial literacy, business acumen, and the skills needed to flourish.

Microfinance at Heart

Rooted in microfinance principles, these initiatives provide modest loan amounts perfectly aligned with the needs of informal sector players, catalyzing their entrepreneurial aspirations.

Flexing Repayment Patterns

Acknowledging the ebb and flow of informal sector earnings, flexible repayment schedules mirror the dynamic nature of these businesses, easing the burden of irregular incomes.

Purposeful Loan Utilization

The loans extend freedom in usage, enabling borrowers to invigorate their endeavors – be it replenishing stocks, procuring essential tools, expanding premises, or innovating product lines.

Impacts Unveiled

Since 2019, kopafasta has been at the forefront of driving financial inclusion through microfinance. We are proud of our contribution to empowering individuals and fostering sustainable economic development. As we continue to grow and expand our reach, we remain committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of the underserved and building a more inclusive society.

Join hands with us and let’s make the financial change the community deserves.


Join hands with us

kopafasta is the first and leading digital microfinance institution in Tanzania, dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through accessible financial services.

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